Monday, 27 October 2014

"Seek and Ye shall find" implies doing your own research

  The cashier asked me how I was. She asked if I'd found everything I needed. She told me to have a nice day and handed me my change. A boy put my items in a bag and asked if I needed help with carry out. Somewhere, a rich man made another nickel. I am still partly stumped by the first two questions.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

    I've had some great teachers in my life. I know how to do things that I won't be doing today.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Two acts of will and a shitload of technology allow you to read this. The machine you are currently engaged with has chosen the nature of the display you are viewing. Back in the post-modern world I would imply some arbitrary meaning and you would infer some arbitrary meaning and sadly, there would be no arbitrator.    Now the machine converts my prose into some low level language of machines. It has to. There is no high level for machines. They are just machines. I fired this missal into the void on faith. I believed that you exist. You cannot deny that you do. So I know something about you. I know that you exist. I also know this missal exists. It is an amorphous thing but in this world that we now share, it exists.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

When I was in grade five my telephone number was 30 but nobody dialled. The operator answered a crank.

My first computer was a TRS80 Model 3..

 I wrote code for it. It was a lot of 01000110 01010101 01001110

I recently wrote a narrative fiction for Kindle. That was also fun in capital letters.

Now I am writing a blog.

The things we do for 01000110 01010101 01001110